Jakarta - Albertus Pentury PSSI as an instructor trainer appointed to Indonesia, with a specificity of coaching a young age. According to Bert, his familliar name, Indonesia can still be accomplished without having to rely on high posture.

Monday (10/03/11), at the office of PSSI, Senayan, Jakarta, PSSI Executive Committee introduced Bob Hippy, Dutch who's also Medan Maluku born, as an instructor trainer for coaching young players in Indonesia.

Bert, who is an instructor KNVB (Dutch Football Organization), pretty much pocketed information about the development of football in Indonesia, and compare it with the system in the Netherlands.

"The principle at the KNVB, the proper way to learn to play soccer is to play football. So if you want to learn football, there should be a ball, "said Bert, who pocketed the issue of the UEFA Pro coaching license this.

"That is, to train young players there must be a pattern. Technique is very important and should be with the ball so that the children soon get used to, "he continued.

Pentury later revealed that in terms of potential, Indonesia is no less than domestic residents FIFA world ranking second. The only difference is the coaching system. According to him, in the Dutch coaching methods suitable for application in Indonesia.

When asked posture difference between Indonesia and the Netherlands, Bert'm sure it will not be a problem.

"Posture is not important, important is technique.
If there is a technique, a team can beat any team, "he said.
Uniformity pattern of early childhood development is also one thing I want to apply Bert in Indonesia, as implemented in the Netherlands.

 "In the Netherlands, under the age of 18, each team using a 4-3-3 strategy, while in Indonesia vary in each team.
In the Netherlands, aged 7-8 years, familiarized the game 4 versus 4. After that, seven opponents 7 at age 9-10 years, "said 63-year-old coach.
